
Confirmation is when a child or adult who has been baptised 'confirms' the promises - made for them at their baptism by their godparents - for themselves in front of the Bishop.

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St Andrew's Church Prayer

But, because it is God to whom we witness, we need no less a constant detachment, a will to go apart and wait upon God in quiet, in silence, lest by our very busyness we should only rob ourselves and rob others of the realisation of God's presence; 'Be still and know that I am God'.

Would that everyone whose heart God has once touched would guard times of quietness amid our noisy, bustling life to let God touch the heart again.

Our Services

Our regular worship of Holy Communion on Thursday (12.30 said) and Sunday (11.00am Sung) continues, with Communion available in both kinds (bread and wine)

Coffee/seasonal refreshments and fellowship are offered, together with a warm welcome after the Sunday service in the lower hall.

Sung Matins is at 11am on the following Sundays: March 2nd; May 4th; June 1st; September 7th; October 5th; November 2nd; December 7th.

This service is followed by Holy Communion via Reserve Sacrament.